Loin of Wild Highland Venison On Roast Balsamic Arran Beetroot

Jacqueline O’Donnell founded the legendary The Sisters, Glasgow, a restaurant that she and her sister Pauline set up after years of working their way up in many of Glasgow’s fine restaurants, and doing their own outside catering.
Whilst The Sisters in now closed, its legacy continues. Jacqueline and Pauline cooked what was described as modern Scottish cuisine, using only the best Scottish ingredients. Their determination to provide quality cuisine in a beautiful, relaxed atmosphere made their first restaurant such a success that they opened another branch. The Sisters was awarded Scottish City Restaurant of the Year award in May 2008.
900 g Saddle of Venison
1 tbs Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper
2 tbs Balsamic Vinegar
250 g Scotch Beetroot (already cooked & peeled), quartered in length
1 tbs Sugar
50 ml Port
2 Sprigs of Rosemary
Pre-heat oven to 200°C.
Cut the venison into 4 portions, rub with a little oil & season.
Seal in a pan and set aside.
Place beetroot onto an oven tray, and spoon in the sugar & vinegar.
Roast for 15 minutes, and then roast venison for 7 minutes.
Allow venison to rest for 10 minutes in a warm place.
In the pan in which you sealed the venison, pour in the port & rosemary
Bring to boil, add a little water and then reduce. It should reach a syrupy consistency.
To Serve
Place beetroot onto the plate, slice venison over the top.
Spoon some pan juices over the meat.